Monday, 31 October 2011

Use of Nintendo(R) Wii(TM) During Postburn Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study

Journal of Burn Care & Research:
POST COPYEDIT, 5 October 2011
2011 Clinical Research Award: PDF Only

Yohannan, Sam K. PT, MS; Tufaro, Patricia OTR/L; Hunter, Hope PT; Orleman, Lauren SPT; Palmatier, Sara SPT; Sang, Canace SPT; Gorga, Delia I. PhD, OTR/L; Yurt, Roger W. MD, FACS

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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate feasibility and measure outcomes on pain, anxiety, active range of motion (AROM), function, enjoyment, and presence (immersion into a virtual environment) with the adjunctive use of Nintendo(R) Wii(TM) (Nintendo of America Inc., Redmond, WA) during acute postburn rehabilitation. Participants were alternated and stratified based on the location of burn into Wii or control treatment groups. Joints of interest with limited AROM were the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. All participants received three consecutive sessions of passive range of motion and predetermined joint-specific exercises. This was followed by either designated Wii games or therapist-chosen interventions (control). The outcomes were compared between groups using t-tests (P < .05) and Cohen's d statistic. Data from 23 participants aged 20 to 78 years were analyzed. The difference in mean slopes suggested that the Wii group experienced less pain (x = -0.97, P = .07) than the control group over time. Overall, trends with anxiety (x = -0.11, P = .77), AROM (x = 0.55, P = .81), function (x = -0.38, P = .43), and enjoyment (x = 0.09, P = .73) seemed to improve at a faster rate in the Wii group. Presence minimally changed between successive treatment sessions for those in the Wii group. Although statistical significance was not reached in any category, feasibility was supported, and the overall pattern for outcomes was positive for the Wii group, the most favorable being for pain reduction. Future research with larger sample sizes is warranted to explore best practice with video game technology throughout the continuum of burn rehabilitation with appropriate prescriptions.

 (C) 2011 The American Burn Association

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