Saturday, 12 November 2011

Effects of an Interactive Computer Game Exercise Regimen on Balance Impairment in Frail Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Published online before print - 28 July 2011
Physical Therapy October 2011 vol. 91 no. 10 1449-1462
Tony Szturm, Aimee L. Betker, Zahra Moussavi, Ankur Desai andValerie Goodman

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Background Due to the many problems associated with reduced balance and mobility, providing an effective and engaging rehabilitation regimen is essential to progress recovery from impairments and to help prevent further degradation of motor skills.

Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility and benefits of physical therapy based on a task-oriented approach delivered via an engaging, interactive video game paradigm. The intervention focused on performing targeted dynamic tasks, which included reactive balance controls and environmental interaction.

Design This study was a randomized controlled trial.

Setting The study was conducted in a geriatric day hospital.

Participants Thirty community-dwelling and ambulatory older adults attending the day hospital for treatment of balance and mobility limitations participated in the study.

Interventions Participants were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. The control group received the typical rehabilitation program consisting of strengthening and balance exercises provided at the day hospital. The experimental group received a program of dynamic balance exercises coupled with video game play, using a center-of-pressure position signal as the computer mouse. The tasks were performed while standing on a fixed floor surface, with progression to a compliant sponge pad. Each group received 16 sessions, scheduled 2 per week, with each session lasting 45 minutes. Measurements Data for the following measures were obtained before and after treatment: Berg Balance Scale, Timed “Up & Go” Test, Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance, and spatiotemporal gait variables assessed in an instrumented carpet system test.

Results Findings demonstrated significant improvements in posttreatment balance performance scores for both groups, and change scores were significantly greater in the experimental group compared with the control group. No significant treatment effect was observed in either group for the Timed “Up & Go” Test or spatiotemporal gait variables.

Limitations The sample size was small, and there were group differences at baseline in some performance measures. Conclusion Dynamic balance exercises on fixed and compliant sponge surfaces were feasibly coupled to interactive game-based exercise. This coupling, in turn, resulted in a greater improvement in dynamic standing balance control compared with the typical exercise program. However, there was no transfer of effect to gait function.

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